Our server boasts 50 lines and counting, connecting you to every destination seamlessly

Our lines were carefully built by hand, crafted with dedication, integrity, and a true passion for our work

Our server features an extensive and well-designed metro network, offering multiple transit options to suit every travel need. Whether you're in a rush or want to enjoy the journey, we have a system that works for you!

🚄 High-Speed Rail

– Travel long distances in record time with our cutting-edge high-speed rail system. Perfect for those who need to get across the map quickly and efficiently.

🚋 Light Rail

– A smooth and scenic way to explore the city and surrounding areas, our light rail system connects key locations with a comfortable and convenient ride.

🚇 Regular Metro

– The backbone of our transport network, the metro system features multiple lines and stations, ensuring you can reach any destination with ease.

No matter where you need to go, our transportation system is designed to make travel seamless and enjoyable. Hop on a train and experience the work of our dedicated builders as you journey through a world crafted with precision and passion!

If there are issues found in the guide, please contact Curt on Discord (@curtxdddd).

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