Tickets are used to enter, exit or transfer at stations. They are essential to your transportation experience. Therefore, we have made this guide detailing each step in acquiring a ticket to explore the world!
In Fresh Start MTR, ticket machines are often found in railway stations. They can be used to add value to your balance, or purchase a single-trip ticket to a designated destination. Some places (E.G. Hung Hom, Fresh Start Lake, Kenwick) allow you to top-up your MTR balance (For more info see Ticketing Types section), but only Fresh Start Lake contains an Emerald Machine (EM Recharge Station), where you can obtain emeralds in a matter of seconds, and use the ticket machines to get your ticket.
Using a ticket is as simple as drinking water (unless you can't drink water properly). Simply walk to the ticket barrier/processor, then just simply walk through it/tap on it!
Ticketing Types
In Fresh Start MTR, there consists of 2 ticketing types: Metropolis (Or JR) and MTR.
The most major difference is the compatibility between the 2. These two ticketing types can not be used on one another. For example, Metropolis tickets can not be used to exit/enter an MTR ticket barrier/processor, and vise versa.
Another difference is that Metropolis tickets can have 3 different types: Single-trip ticket from 1 station to another, Single-trip ticket to anywhere, and an IC Card, all of which require emeralds to add value to. On the other hand, MTR tickets only have 1 type: MTR Balance, which you use emeralds/IC Recharge Machines/Top-up Machines to add value to.
At Fresh Start Lake Railway Station, there is a board detailing which companyies (or their respective sectors) uses Metropolis tickets. The board can be found next to the ticket machines.
Simple! At an interchange, there should be a 'transfer area' where you tap out of one ticketing type and tap in another one. The one at Fresh Start Lake Railway Station is embedded next to the entry/exit ticket barriers.